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Preserve business files or family memories by backing up!


Backing up data is the only way to be completely sure that your files are safe. Having data in two locations will ensure that, even if a computer crashes, your data will be preserved. The simplest way to backup data efficiently is to keep files on an external hard drive that is permanently connected to your computer.


Whether you have purchased a new computer or want to share files between two computers, data transfers can be done safely and quickly to simply get your files from point A to point B. After purchasing a new computer, we can transfer pictures, videos and other documents so nothing gets left behind.


  1. Backups: $30Hr.

    A backup includes all pictures, videos, music, documents. Transfering them to a hard drive will let you be sure that they are safe, but will also make them portable since you can connect the hard drive to other computers in the future.


  2. Transfers: $30Hr.

    All you have to worry about is where you want your data to go. Transfer family pictures from your old pc to a new machines. Or transfer business files when upgrading to a new pc.



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