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Repairing your PC will get all things back up and running!

Why you might need a repair:

  1. Virus damage
  2. Damage from corrupt files
  3. Improper installing of programs/drivers
  4. Spyware/Adware damage
  5. Deletion of necessary system files
  6. Any unnormal behaviors from computer programs (Ex. freezing, crashing)

If you feel that your computer needs repair of any sort call us for a FREE diagnostic to evaluate what proper action must be taken to repair your pc.


Repair Services:

  1. Full Computer Diagnostic. $30. free if you mention this website!!

    Get to the root of your computer issues by fully diagnosing your PC! After the diagnose you will be able to decide exactly what action needs to be taken for a successful repair.


  2. Full Computer Repair. $30Hr.

    Once the problem has been diagnosed a full computer repair will ensure that your computer will be back up and running in fit condition. All virus's, spyware and malfunctions will be eliminated.


  3. Full Computer Repair and Data Preservation. $30Hr. +

    In addition to fully servicing the computer all data such as pictures, videos and other documents will be preserved so that you don't have to worry about any loses of crucial data. Just like a typical repair, all virus's, spyware and malfunctions will be taken care of.



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